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2018, 8.5 x 11 inches, acrylics, wine, napkin, brown paper towel, plastic canvas packaging, on canvas.
I basically wanted to emulate first, the mix of colours that skin has underneath in layers, blue, red and green, and blended it together. I then blended the golden beige of my skin tone onto the still wet under-colours using the canvas wrapper as a palette.
By this stage I was getting increasingly wine drunk with Nathalyn.
I then used the wine soaked white napkin and wet brown paper to soak up wounds and emulate scabs, then I stuck and wrinkled the entire skin surface with the plastic film with the unmixed colours smeared onto the canvas. I started to feel like scratching the drying paint/skin on one corner too and reached underneath the plastic, like a hard to reach itch.
I took this with me as I moved out of Nathalyn's and onto the SS Maritol. It's pictured here on the ship floor.